Українською In English

Courses of seminars, April 19 - 22


                 Scientific and Educational Center of the Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics


Tuesday, April 19

15-00, rm. 221, 3rd courses
Non-Abelian classical field theory (head M. Sydorenko)


Wednesday, April 20

15-00, rm. 221, 2nd year
Classical field theory (head M. Sydorenko)


Thursday, April 21

Institute of Mathematics, st. Tereshchenkivska 3,
15-00, rm. 208, 1-3 courses
Differential Geometry (head PhD S. Maksymenko)

15-30, Faculty of Physics, 2nd course,

meeting at the dean's office
Introduction to relativistic mechanics (head O. Barabash)

Friday, April 22

15-00, rm. 221, 1 course

Classical Mechanics (head O. Sobol)

17-00, rm. 221, 1 course

Linear Algebra (head M. Iorgov)

15-00, Faculty of Physics, 2nd course

meeting at the dean's office
Introduction to relativistic mechanics (head O. Barabash)