Українською In English

Borisenko Oleg Anatoliyovich


Lear researcher, doctor of physicals and mathemathical sciences (defended in 2003)

Department of Physics of high density energy

tel: 521-31-16
BITP: room. 216

Topics of Master's theses:

  1. Calculation of critical indexes in msin spin and calibration models using renormalization group techniques.

  2. Research on phase transitions of the infinite genus in three-dimensional calibrational models

Recent publications on the topics of Master's theses:

  1. O. Borisenko, R. Fiore, M. Gravina, A. Papa,
    Critical behavior of the compact 3d U(1) gauge theory on isotropic lattices, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 1004:P04015, 2010.
  2. O. Borisenko, R. Fiore, M. Gravina, A. Papa,
    Critical behaviour of the compact 3d U(1) gauge theory at finite temperature, Proc.of Science (LATTICE2010) 274.
  3. Borisenko O., Voloshin S., Faber M.  Field strength formulation, lattice Bianchi identities and perturbation theory for non-Abelian models //  Nuclear Physics – 2009 - B816 -p.399-426.

Books and reviews on the topics of Master's theses:

  1. K.Wilson, J.Kogut. The renormalization group and the epsilon-expansion//Phys.Rept.-1974. -Vol.12,No2.-P.75-199;
  2. Moscow, Mir, 1975.
  3. J.Kogut. A review of the lattice gauge theory approach to quantum chromodynamics //Rev.Mod.Phys. -1983. -Vol.55.No3. -P.775-836.
  4. J.Kogut. An introduction to lattice gauge theory and spin systems //Rev.Mod.Phys. -1979. -Vol.51,No4. -P.659-713.