About Us
Scientific and Educational Center of Bogolyugov Institute for Theoretical Physics (BITP) was created in 2000 and is actively implementing a new system of continuous education in physics and mathematics for talented school pupils and University students. Center staff carry out educational work with motivated students, winners of National and International Physics Olympiads, in order to prepare highly qualified scientists in the field of condensed matter physics, high energy physics and astrophysics, mathematical physics.
The еducational programme is based on continuous physical and mathematical education on four interrelated stages:
- the education starts at the level of high school. The initial stage of education consists of lectures and seminars based on Feynman Lectures on Physics and given by the Centre staff for the pupils of high schools, specialized in physics and mathematics. The pupils are being oriented towards becoming students in fundamental physics,
- the specialized education of students continues through their undergraduate studies. The Institute members carry on specialized lectures and seminars for 1st to 4th year students, aiming at a deeper understanding of the University disciplines. This educational work based on the Course of Theoretical Physics by Landau and Lifshitz,
- in order to prepare masters students for solving specific scientific tasks under supervision of the Institute members the Center organizes the introductory lecture courses to the modern problems of theoretical physics. To conduct the research at the modern level, one needs high-level multilateral specialists. Therefore the seminars for senior and graduate students tend to cover the "hottest" topics and the most recent achievements in condensed matter physics, high energy physics and astrophysics, mathematical physics,
- organization and supervision of scientific research by students as part of bachelor's and master's theses.
International contacts
Organization of International Advanced Lecture Courses - series of events, with the duration of one academic semester each, aiming at bringing to Ukraine 2-3 world's leading experts in various field per course for a set of advanced lectures for students (usually each course – one week, two lectures every day). Similar venues were organized by Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics in Santa Barbara and by Institute Henri Poincare in Paris and have proved to be very successful. Advanced Lecture Course program would also serve as a point of force for local specialists, contributing to it in the form of preparatory lecture courses and additional practical sessions with students. They will allow for Ukrainian students (mostly of masters and graduate level) to be exposed to the modern research topics and the world-class teaching without leaving the country.
In the framework of this program under support of the Swiss National Science Foundation a series of lectures were held:
- on condensed matter physics:
- E.Sukhorukov,
- I.Levkivskyi (University of Geneva),
- V.Cheianov (University of Lancaster),
- V.Geshkenbein (University of Bern),
- A.Chudnovsky (University of Hamburg);
- on high energy physics:
- M.Shaposhnikov (EPFL, Lausanne),
- Gorbunov (INP, Moscow),
- Iakubowsky (University of Leiden, BITP),
- A.Kotikov (BLTP, Dubna);
- on high energy astrophysics:
- T. J.-L. Courvoisier,
- A. Neronov (University of Geneva),
- D.Gorbunov (INP, Moscow),
- G.Palumbo (Bologna University);
- on mathematical physics:
- A.Belavin (Landau TP, Chernogolovka),
- A.Zabrodin (ITEP, Moscow),
- A.Mironov (FIAN, Moscow),
- Ya.Pugai (Landau ITP, Chernogolovka),
- D.Volin (The Pennsylvania State Univ.).
In the past two years, The Center actively collaborates with research centres in Russia in the framework of the Bogolyubov program for Theoretical Physics of JINR-Ukraine, which is supported by the State Agency on Science of Ukraine. This year, the program will hold four School-seminars on high-energy physics, condensed matter physics, mathematical physics and Grid technologies in high-energy physics.
This educational activity of the Institute is developed in close contacts with the leading Russian research centers: Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) and Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics in Moscow and Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna.
As a summary of the educational activity of the research institutes, the Annual Spring Schools on Theoretical and Mathematical Physics were held in BITP in the years 2001-2012. More than 150 of the most talented school pupils and University students from Ukraine and Russia were gathered at these meetings. 20 leading scientists from BITP, ITEP and JINR participated as lecturers and discussion leaders.
Achievements of the Centre can be illustrated by the example of our graduates in 2007-2008 -- about 20 people.
Around 40% of graduates went to graduate school in Europe or America, 10% enrolled in a double graduate school in leading universities in France (50% of the time spent in France thanks to the financial support of the Embassy of France, 50% in Ukraine and 50 % went to graduate school at the Institute.
All graduates enrolled in graduate schools in 2007-2008 (abroad and/or at the BITP) have already finished their theses. These graduates form the core of young scientists at the BITP. They have obtained some interesting results in:
- condensed matter physics – O.Gamayun, A.Slobodeniuk;
- high energy physics – A.Alkin, Yu.Karpenko;
- high energy astrophysics – D. Iakubowski, D.Malyshev;
- mathematical physics – Yu.Tyhyy, Yu.Bezvershenko.
They are actively involved in international research projects.
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