Українською In English

Iorgov Nikolai Zinoviyovich


Head of Laboratory of Theory of Integrable Systems, doctor of physical and mathemathical sciences (defended in 2010)

Laboratory of Theory of Integrable Systems
Department of mathemathical methods in theorethical physics

phone: 521-31-66
BITP: room 438

Topics of bachelor's and master's theses (generic name of the subject):

  1. «Calculation of matrix elements of spin operators in integrable models of quantum and statistical mechanics»

Recent publications on the topics of master's theses :

  1. Iorgov N, Pakuliak S, Shadura V, Tykhyy Yu and von Gehlen G, Spin operator matrix elements in the superintegrable chiral Potts quantum chain, Journ. Stat.  Phys., 139, p. 743, 2010.
  2. Iorgov N, Shadura V, Tykhyy Yu, Spin operator matrix elements in the quantum Ising chain: fermion approach,  preprint  arXiv:1011.2603, 19pp.
  3. N. IorgovO. Lisovyy, Ising correlations and elliptic determinants, preprint  arXiv:1012.2856, 22pp.

Books and reviews on the topics of master's theses:

  1. R.Baxter, Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Mechanics «Мир», 1989 year.
  2. А.А.Белавин, Квантовая теория поля и точно решаемые решеточные модели, лекции прочитанные в Московском независимом университете: